CrossFit WDM Athletes,

We are excited about the increased attendance from you all coming back from quarantine. Seriously, check out these numbers based on all of our athletes for this year. SUPER PROUD of the March, April, May numbers since we were primarily Zoom Online classes! WOW!

Note the January and February compared to all months after May. We believe this shift has happened for a couple of reasons. Likely a big thanks to our reservation system. We have recognized that the athletes who have taken full advantage of this are attending more regularly and making it a priority since they have already blocked out that time. Also due to the level of eagerness to get back into the gym but numbers have been consistently up. Way to go!

After examining the cancellations the last few months and seeing consistently full reserved classes we are going to release a series of adjustments to our reservation system. Allowing you to gradually adjust to these standards. Please note that using the reservation system is best for coaches and athletes alike. The sooner you can promise yourself that you have decided to commit to that day’s workout the less you have to convince yourself to go. However, we understand that not ALL athletes have the flexibility to guarantee their availability to work out at that specific time. We encourage you to organize your calendar and priorities AT LEAST 24 hours in advance, but up to a week in advance when it comes to arranging your day. If you cannot do that then you can reserve your spot in class at any time, up to a minute before class starts… as long as there is availability in that class.

I will restate that just to be clear. You do not need to use the reservation system in advance if you’re unsure of your availability, you will have up to 1 MINUTE before class starts to reserve your spot… as long as there is availability in that class. Meaning that the class has not “capped out” in actual attendance. The loop hole there is if somebody no-shows then of course we want you there.


We don’t want to have a limited number of participants due to space, safety, equipment. But we also don’t want people making reservations and setting a lot of other people’s expectations that you are saying “Yes, I will be there.” But then cancel and not show up. Someone may have been looking at attending that class but pivoted their schedule and/or just made sure they reserved their class sooner for the next day. Which leads me to my next point.

The waitlist feature is very handy. If you find yourself on the back end of a full class, especially if that class is still 12-72 hours away but you really want to be in that class. Then do everyone a favor and PUT YOURSELF ON THE WAIT-LIST. This signals the people who have reserved that if something did come up they don’t feel bad about canceling because they know they’re just allowing someone else to take that spot. Also, for the athletes on the wait-list, on a first-come first-serve basis you will be automatically pulled into the class. And, by being on the wait-list it does not prevent you from reserving your spot at another class! So it’s a win-win. If they cancel within the cancellation window and email will go out to all athletes on the wait-list and you will manually have to go in and reserve.

Another reminder… the new Wodify Athlete app has an option to synchronize your Wodify Class reservations with your personal calendar. This is a SUPER convenient feature that I find lovely. However, I find it nice to keep both the Wodify (legacy) app and Wodify Athlete app.

Okay, here are the adjustments we are making. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we make CrossFit West Des Moines an even more effective experience by adding in a layer to help our athletes prioritize the way they think about their health and fitness.

Phase 1
(1st and 2nd Week) November 2nd

We are opening up the reservation window to 7 days. Every athlete will receive 1 FREE PASS for a late cancellation fee per month.

Phase 2
(3rd and 4th Week) November 16th

We are going to increase the length of what is considered a “Late Cancellation” to 8 hours.

Phase 3 
(5th Week) November 31st

We are keeping the late cancellation fee at $5 and increasing the no-show fee to $10.

By reserving you are simply promising your spot, which is promising other athletes and your coaches that the spot is already taken. When people don’t show up it takes away the value of someone else’s opportunity to be in that class.

The coach likely has considered a plan for you in their class so please make sure that if you are not going to show up that you cancel prior to the class beginning.

I will be the first to admit, I have canceled my reservation just outside of the window. But I am also very known to wait 10 minutes before class (or even 2 minutes) to decide whether or not I’m going to participate. So, there is a little strategy that you can use to help you choose whether to reserve or not.

When to use reservations.

When NOT to use reservations.

Case by case instances will be taken care of for emergency late cancellations or no-shows. Please email ASAP if you find yourself in a predicament that this applies to you. We ask that you notify us no later than the end time of the said reserved class. We hope that like many of you have already confessed to us, you see the benefits of setting your schedule and holding yourself accountable to your fitness and health goals. This is just one of the many ways that we plan on enhancing your experience at CrossFit West Des Moines.

If you are truly concerned about your habits associated with the enhanced system please email or call/text 515-771-7926 to discuss any further options needed to specifically apply to your goals. I absolutely want you to succeed and be as transparent with the data and experience related to this enhancement. All out of love, we thank you incredibly for your support.

Please know that at CrossFit West Des Moines we truly believe that today… we are just getting started. That is a mindset that you can carry with your entire life. Renew yourself daily and set goals and ambitions that keep you pushing forward.

Just think… you are just getting started!

Kris Gregory

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

(give our form below a second to load, we love you for it!)

Jess Sawatzky

Gym Assistant

Bio Coming Soon


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Shelly Berkoski

Art Director

Bio Coming Soon


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Rex Gray


Bio Coming Soon


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Dustin Smith


Bio Coming Soon


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Travis Hansen


Bio Coming Soon


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Michael Saavedra


Favorite Lift: 

Heavy DB Snatch

Favorite Workout: 


Favorite Music to workout to? 


Favorite inspirational quote? 

“Have a purpose stronger than your excuses, that is how you win!”


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Dillon Burns


CrossFit Certifications: CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (2009)
Non CrossFit Certifications: BS in Exercise Science (Kinesiology) from Iowa State University (2020) | USA Weightlifting Level 1 (2016) |Precision Nutrition Level 1 – Nutrition Coach (2015)| Metabolic Specialist (2018) | Certified Personal Trainer (2018)| CPR/AED (2019) |Command Fitness Leader – United States Navy (2007-2009)
Favorite lift: Overhead Squat
Favorite workout: Throw any Hero WOD up on the board and I’m at home. For reasons that go beyond fitness or health.
Favorite music to workout to? I think we all know this already??
Favorite quote: “Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying” – Shawshank Redemption
Describe yourself in 3 words: Better. Every. Day.


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Jess Porter


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

CrossFit Spot The Flaw Course 

CrossFit Scaling Course

CrossFit Lesson Planning Course

CrossFit Judges Course (2019)

CPR/AED Certified 

About Coach Jess: I have been a part of the CrossFit West Des Moines community since 2015. I joined CrossFit looking for a fitness program to provide me the results I never had. That is exactly what I received. I became a coach in 2017 and a few months after that I was leaving my corporate job to lead people to a healthier lifestyle.

Favorite Lift: Snatch

Favorite Workout: Diane – 21-15-9 Deadlift & Handstand Push-ups

Favorite Music to workout to? Twenty-One Pilots

Favorite inspirational quote? Most recent is – If you win the morning, you win the day! – Ben Bergeron

Describe yourself in 3 words? Determined, Creative & Brave


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Kris Gregory

Head Coach / Owner

About Coach Kris:

Hi there! I’m absolutely grateful to do what I do for a living. Fitness has always been a healthy outlet for me and has helped me cope with several different things at different times in my life. As someone who struggled with things like school, personal goals, or reading growing up (staying focused in general), sports were quite the opposite. I enjoyed trying to edge myself to better personal performance physically and truly helped me build confidence when I didn’t know what confidence was.

My main sports were bowling, baseball, golf. I also played football, basketball, and soccer for a few years as well. Put a tool in my hand and tell me how to use it and I will get the hang of it really quick! I loved drawing portraits, landscapes, and cartoon characters growing up too!

I found CrossFit at age 25 after about 6 years with only weights as a bodybuilder/powerlifter. After experiencing burnout due to chasing a pipe dream of just being bigger and stronger I realized that I need more purpose in my training. CrossFit exposed me to many gymnastics skills, mobility, core strength, and cardio elements that I was lacking in my training and I fell in love from the first week of training. It also taught me that slow and focused is a recipe for great results!

After about 2 years at CrossFit West Des Moines I realized that I’d love to get more involved and obtained my CF-L1 and began coaching. From there, the passion to own a gym that I developed in my early 20’s became more and more real. I noticed the need in CrossFit West Des Moines and began managing it soon after coaching. After getting my bearings with the business as a coach and manager I took on ownership in February of 2018 which exposed me to one of the most humbling experiences of my entire life.

That’s about the same time a pastor joined the gym and helped connect me with Jesus. My life has been transformed from the inside-out and I’ll forever be in debt to his introduction. I was saved and baptized in 2019 and hope to draw closer to the Lord daily. I use the gym as just one primary example to pour out love, grace, and truth into those around me. Not by preaching, but by doing, empowering others to step towards their goals and overcome fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, and other barriers that hold us back from being the self we were designed to be. I’m all about unlocking people’s potential… what’s holding you back in life? Can you use fitness as a way to transform the way so many others have?

Favorite Lift: Snatch

Favorite Workout: Glen: 30 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb) 1 mile Run 10 Rope Climb (15 ft) 1 mile Run 100 Burpees

Favorite Music to workout to? Chainsmokers, Hype, Big Bootie Remix, and Worship

Favorite inspirational quote? No quote. Trust God. Be nice to everyone.

Describe yourself in 3 words? Love to think.

Experience and Credentials:

  • CrossFit Level-1 Trainer (2017)
  • CrossFit Level-2 Trainer (2020)
  • The Ready State: Mobility 101 (2022)
  • The Ready State: Mobility 102 (2022)
  • Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentorship Program (2021)
  • Brand X Method – Professional Youth Coach Certified (2019)
  • USA Weightlifting Level-1 Sports Performance Coach (2018)
  • Conjugate Methods Trainer (2017)
  • First Aid/CPR/AED Certified (2017) (2021)
  • Pursuing CF-L3 (Coming in 2023)


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


2749 86th St,
Urbandale, IA 50322

(515) 219-4891


We Want To Offer You The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below and one of our amazing coaches will send you our current membership information.